How old is Abir Muhaisen? When is Abir Muhaisen's birthday? Where is Abir Muhaisen born? Where did Abir Muhaisen grow up from? What's Abir Muhaisen's age?
Abir Muhaisen Born: 1973 (age 50years), Amman, Jordan
How about Abir Muhaisen's parents?
Abir Muhaisen Parents: Hussein of Jordan, Alia Toukan
How about Abir Muhaisen's sibling?
Abir Muhaisen Sibling: Ali bin Hussein, Haya bint Hussein, Aisha bint Hussein, MORE
How about Abir Muhaisen's aunt?
Abir Muhaisen Aunt: Princess Basma bint Talal
How about Abir Muhaisen's education?
Abir Muhaisen Education: Oldfields School
How about Abir Muhaisen's grandparent?
Abir Muhaisen Grandparent: Baha Toukan, Talal of Jordan, Zein al-Sharaf bint Jamil, Hanan Hashim
How many children did the late King Hussein of Jordan have?
Hussein was married four separate times and fathered eleven children. Hussein, a constitutional monarch with wide executive and legislative powers, started his rule with what was termed a "liberal experiment", allowing in 1956 the formation of the only democratically elected government in Jordan's history.